Definitely this is a dead blog.I'm not the blog owner.Thanks for borrowing a blog for me though it was a dead blog.Lol.
I got my own blog actually & never update for a month already.I'm just dont want to let people know I'm so down lately.But I'm in need to find a way to simply express out my chaos feelings.So I choose to find an alternative way which is borowing people's blog.Lol.Thanks the blog owner again.
Trial is getting nearer & nearer. I'm so stress,fret,tension & sumore.It is so chaos.I'm emotional sometimes & I wonder I'm so easy to getting tears recently.I'm not strong enough but it is the way to make me to feel better after tearing.
I'm the one who always lack of confidence after standard 6 until now.It is such a BIG weakness for me.I'm so fatigue.I cant even chill.Sigh.I care my studies alot,but i'm totally lack of confidence to myself.I'm so noob.Noob.
Why we need to occupy with studies during holidays? How miserable you know.It is so suck.Life sucks.But then,we cant choose to escape.The only thing I know,I'm trying the best & working hard & smart, sincerely I just hope it paid off.
My parents will be depart to Bali,Indonesia tomorrow morning to have a vacation.I indeed hope it can make their relationship become stronger & stronger. I need a peaceful family.I'm still worrying about them after they had a very serious arguing last few days ago.At the same time,I'm fear when they were arguing.I'm so depress to see them in that condition.I was scared & thinking about " How if , my family break? " Then, my eyes cant control the rolling tears.I'm so sad.
I seem make people think that I'm not tough enough & easily getting tears.Nevertheless,dont keep thinking I'm the one who always emo.I only emo for something happen or with a reason,not emo without reasons.
I think I shall stop cause at least I'm feeling better though it is not much but also not too least. Because stressness will never stop in my mind & heart.Lol.
Thanks once again for this dead blog's owner.Lol.